Friday, December 14, 2018

Solitary Behavior: How Should You Resolve this Irrepressive Psychological Dilemma?

Loneliness whether it is chronic or mild, is a very delicate emotional issue to deal with. A solitary behavior has gravely affected almost 41% percent of American adults. Consequently, the overall being of these people had suffered dire consequences which include a weaker immune system, inflammations, cardiovascular problems and obesity among others. This negative behavior causes an inevitable threat to both health and longevity, if not immediately controlled  or preempted. Also,  loneliness is closely associated with chronic depression. In this regard, socialization  and other relations are at stake due to a perceptual distortion. This a belief that friends, his or her family care less about them. Perceptual distortion is an unseen trap for some people that could possibly lead to a sense of social isolation. Commonly, it is characterized as emotionally raw.  This is  not a healthy behavior in a sense that a person becomes hesitant to risk rejection by seeking  some advices from those people who could be  pivotal factors to decrease their loneliness to a large extent.
Solitary behavior is caused by perceptual distortion. 


Solitary behavior is not defined through the so-called objective measures;  but by a set of subjective experiences of distress wherein one's social needs are not gratified. Therefore, this  kind of behavior can be resolved by means of  the internal sense of social relationships based on their quality and depth. The said resolution strategies are integrated with different hypothetical scenarios such as high-cost, low-cost and commitment signal failures. A high-cost signal refers to the promptness of  assistance of a friend who would cancel his or her appointments just have a heart-to-heart talk with you, to make things much better. A low-cost signal is either an email, text or other impersonal approaches to help you resolve your  biggest challenges at the moment. But, the most disgusting strategy of all is your friend's state of forgetfulness whenever you need a shoulder to cry on. 

A person's solitary behavior is resolved 
by different categorical strategies and approaches. 


This hazardous solitary behavior dilemma can be addressed by adopting these scientific techniques: 

  1. Re-evaluation of caring and commitment gestures. Do this when you are angry and learn how to dismiss it calmly by treating a negative reaction as insignificant.  Try to re-label the previous positive gestures of other people in your life. Doing so, it establishes a strong and formidable reconnection.
  2. Develop a creative reaching out approach by keeping it positive all the time. Ponder about your good times together. 
  3. Revisiting your most memorable places together. This will reignite your connection to one another and refuel your old feelings in the past.
  4. Do not hesitate to do new things together. Share experiences with each other to bring back the closeness and regenerate the feelings of excitement  just like before. 
  5. Practice the perspective taking approach. This is an essential tool  for enhancing your relationships to alleviate loneliness gradually. Improve  your sense of thoughts by taking a deep breath and absorb the perspectives of another person to become more understanding deepen  your sense of commitment and trust. 
Perspective taking approach is one unique mechanism 
to get rid of solitary behaviour.


It takes faith, hope and courage to finally get out of a trap caused by solitary behavior. Get reconnected with your old self again. Ponder about the happiest moments of your life. Count your blessings and be thankful each day. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Sexual Fantasies and its Intriguing Revelations about our Personality

Sexual fantasies are normal and intriguing by-products of our imaginative mind. The truth is whatever these are, psychologists have concluded that flesh-related pleasures send cues or signals about ourselves. For instance, a normal sexual encounter tends to reveal that your partner wants to be the center of your undivided attention. Any type of this psychological  rendezvous features a tendency to gratify the uniqueness of our psychological need. This was significantly found out by an expert who had published his surprising conclusions in a controversial book entitled "Archives of Sexual Behavior", which was co-authored by Dr. David Ley and sex columnist Dan Savage. The focal point of this highly-controversial research paper was all about cuckolding fantasies which are defined as the act of entertaining an unusual thought that their partner is having sex with someone else. In the said thrilling study, the subjects were asked to describe their previous cuckolding fantasies in a narrative form. Consequently, a substantial variability was established  based the way that those scenarios  had taken its course.
Sexual fantasies are unusual mirrors of who we are.


Surprisingly, each participant had their  own unique versions of their tillating sexual fantasies. Some desired to  watch the lovemaking scenes as they unfolded before their very eyes. The other participants wanted an audible sexual pleasure by merely listening to these sensuous sounds, the  presence of unsafe sex or without any use of a condom, different sexual positions and the size of their partner's private part most especially in males. What do they have mysteriously discovered? Read on.

Your  sexual fantasies are closely linked to different personality traits.


First and foremost, those people who scored high in the Big 5 Personality Trait Test in the agreeableness category, characterized as loving and caring, assesses  their sexual fantasies on seeing their partner receiving sexual pleasures. Furthermore, persons who got high scores  on a trait known as sexual sensation seeking, which means  that they prefer thrilling and adventurous carnal knowledge without using condoms to protect themselves. Lastly, those subjects who had unrestricted socio-sexual orientation, which pertains to those individuals who are  objective about the primary importance of separating sex from their emotions  had  revealed that these people do not care about who are the sexual partners of their significant other. To sum up, the context  of a person's sexual  fantasy can be closely associated with these personality traits like  extraversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness and attachment anxiety. 

Sexual fantasy content tends to somehow describe our personality type. 


What about your thoughts about sexual fantasies? Do you believe that these components of human arousal could somehow discover your inner-self? 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Infancy and Language Development Inside a Mother's Fragile Womb

It is surprising to know that a baby's early language development begins inside a mother's fragile womb. Prior to being born, your baby has lots of nice and fruitful experiences and opportunities within a  mother's safest haven for nine months. This was the amazing conclusion of Dr. Patrick Kuhl. He says that a baby can hear audibly his or her mother's soothing voice and she can excellently comprehend a human inflection and uniquely adopts the kind of language, which is being spoken by mothers. It has been significantly discovered that a baby can readily recognize the native tongue of his mother and by another person, just a few hours after birth. The main reason why infants have a sensitive voice recognition capacity is because our voice is amplified by the body and it can be heard by them inside the utero. Babies can sense  the sounds that they hear.  Hence, the gradual development of language begins from different speech patterns and rhythms in the womb. This is her or his primary language.
A baby learns his or her primary language inside a mother's womb.


Early language development can be taught even before you give birth.  It is triggered by fetus' sensitivity wherein any kind of stimulation could gravely affect your baby. Based on the scientific studies, the so-called EEG sensors which are innovatively designed to search for neural traces of  memory inside the utero and then the sound repetition process are tremendously integrated in your baby's memory. Moreover, replicated sounds activate a baby's memory. To explain, when an infant is exposed to a particular sound all over again the memory stimulates its recognition. Consequently, the infant's brain  waves' pattern will identify her memory of a given recognized sound.

Your baby's memory is excellently enhanced by sound repetition processes.


Did you know that an infant's language development involves word recognition and its accompanying variations? This was the result of another cognitive related experiment by Eino Partanen, a cognitive neuroscientist. He said that an infant's neural signals allow him or her to gradually identify different sounds even those vowels which are visible when the memory traces them in your baby upon his delivery. In addition, ten weeks before his birth the baby will utilize almost all her senses to learn about her inner world. Ultrasound tests have shown that an infant will react to different sounds by kicking, moving and dancing around your delicate womb. She lifts herself up and down when she hears her mother laugh. Thus, her little fingers can suck her thumb stretch her limbs, grasp her lower extremities and have adequate coordinations to hold her umbilical cord carefully. 

Babies react to different sounds inside a womb by 
kicking, moving and dancing around a mother's womb.


Interestingly, a baby's language development inside a mother's move is also demonstrated by his or her sucking abilities to produce a vowel sound. Therefore, talk to your baby frequently, play some good music and expose your angel to different sounds of life to nurture his or her verbal and non-verbal skills to have a genius child  of which you can be proud of.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Human Personality: Reversible or Irreversible Holistic Makeup?

The dynamics of human personality defines who we are,  and how different individuals are socially interacting with the world we live in.  Theoretically, personality constitutes various concepts and naked truths in which we based the formation of our overall and composite traits. Likewise, it is strongly shaped by our shared experiences which make our distinctive persona to be in a stable state overtime. Accordingly, there are five basic personality dimensions which define our own individuality. The Big Five Basic Personality Traits are primarily composed of these attitudes or traits namely openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion and neuroticism. These have related  clusters of related traits which are primarily responsible in moulding our affective state and behaviours alongside with the current situations. Personality traits are progressive in nature depending on the temperaments that you had developed during the delicate stages of infancy and early childhood.  As far as our temperaments are concerned, these are the innate byproducts of genetics and child rearing.

Personality formation is based on genetics, temperament and child rearing.


Human personality involves different types of temperament and their differences, are according to the treatments of caregivers and children who have the same chronological age as their peers. Early childhood experiences act as reinforcing agents in the formation of temperaments which will be the ultimate foundation of  one's personality makeup during adulthood. Similarly, they foster the onset of dysfunctional personality patterns which could gradually become full-blown psychological disorders in later life.  However, personalities can be modified if there are new life experiences surrounding you everyday. One of its classic examples is a person who had mild or severe  emotional  traumas and other life-changing scenarios. Also, our different social roles are significant impetus for our personality changes. These will drastically modify our way of thinking, feelings and  how we behave in our environment and the people around us. The unchanged reality in life is this. Human lives change and these are in harmony with our personalities, too. Simply, our maturation  processes develop our emotional stability.

Temperaments and personality change according  to maturation processes.


The human personality and its inevitable changes depend on how comfortable we are with our self-concept perception. Consequently, the discovery and development of  diverse personality treatments are geared toward the effective ways in dealing with disturbing personality disorders and altering these  dilemmas despite  of their corresponding difficulty levels. In a recent research study by psychologists from Illinois University, it is sad to know that most of us are dissatisfied  with our personality. Thus, we are striving hard to change it in a positive manner. Conclusively, the human persona and its optimistic recognition of the different changes which had happened in your lifetime will provide the easy application of approaches in treating personality problems and to overcome your resistant to personality change syndrome. Relevant personality changes will transpire among us if we are willing to do so in time by our active  participation in different psychological interventions that will help us attain these life-changing strategies in the near future. 

Friday, December 7, 2018

Healthy Relationship Secrets among Couples: Life Goals to Forever

An ideal and lasting marital relationship is not easy to find, preserve and cherish for a lifetime. Oftentimes, marriages fall apart because of numerous irreconcilable differences that couples have, which are not being talked about due to hesitation and fears of dejection. Marriage counselors were able to devise healthy relationship secrets to heal wounded hearts and egos to gradually foster harmony, peace, love and emotional stability to be integrated within the core of their unique personality makeup which aim to restore a high-self esteem in each other. Communication is one the vital keys towards a nurturing married life. Unfortunately, the proper ways of how to do it seems to be the flaw of a melancholic husband and wife team. First and foremost, the expression of you really feels matters a lot. Say I LOVE YOU and always complement each other everyday.
Say what you feel and feel  what you say. 


Basically, healthy relationship secrets include your unconditional respect for your spouse. Time, heart, character and trust  must  be respected regardless of other personal factors that might interfere  between the both of you to shatter or ruin a heaven sent marriage. Do not taint it with name calling, negative talking about your loved one to friends and family. Avoid threatening your husband your wife about an imminent separation. Spend quality time with your significant other and disregard  the element of quantity to maintain the deepest love connection. Try to be apart from one another and  allow your sweetheart to do the things that he or she arduously desire. Autonomy will make your union last  forever. Create sentimental or funny love languages for each other. These are known as words of affirmations like giving gifts, quality time, acts of service and physical touch. Consistency is the vital factor here. Express your true feelings of love each day.

Physical touch is the sweetest and meaningful language among couples.


Learn and practice the values  of appreciation. This is one of the most neglected aspect of healthy relationship secrets.  Show how much you love your wife or husband. Words of kindness, flowers and other similar romantic gestures  will seal your endless love and affection for your mate. Shift your attention to the positive traits of your spouse, Simply remember this. Nobody is perfect. Arguments are spices of your destined union. So, choose them wisely. Never fight about petty things. Keep your sexual desires for each other alive. Be creative in the sensual art of  lovemaking.

Sex spices your happy marriage.


Healthy relationship secrets provide your marriage a sanctified image, based on God's ways and Divine Will. Make these reminders as your ethical standards if you want your marriage to be a role model for those people who refused to believe in the promise of FOREVER.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Insecurity: Love's Deadliest Poison

Emotional instability among partners particularly insecurites are defined as the inadequate intactness of being secured. Your significant other is extremely dependent on the relationship to define his or her personal worth or value during a given period of time. Individual insecurities are manifested when these have to take precedence in times of crisis that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. If these poisons of life will continue, it would ruin a couple's teamwork. Some of the most common symptoms of being not secured are the following: Anxiety, paranoia, fears of loss and an increasing need to be reassured. Consequently, the said negative polarities of human behavior lower your self-esteem  However, always remember that confidence in its entirety is a relative experience. On the other hand, if the feeling goes beyond your control curb it the best way that you can.
Insecurities trigger paranoia and anxiety.


There are six main types of insecurities namely genetics, environmental stressors, fears of disappointing, conflict aversion,  dependency and broken trust. In brief, here are its descriptions. 

  • Genetics- Involves the presence of extreme reactions against threats since birth, making these people to become hypervigilant and more watchful against imminent danger. This is due to some specific hormones of the human anatomy. 
  • Environmental Stressors- People who have suffered from traumatic experiences during childhood poosses intense fight or flight reactions when threats beset them. Among these are broken promises, tragic incidents and inevitable losses in life.
  • Fear of Disappointing- Generally, this is characterized by being discounted by significant people around us. Usually, this is a feeling of not meeting human expectations. As a result, the fear of being unloved becomes evident.
  • Conflict Aversions- Insecure people are not willing to take chances, which could develop the ability and explore new opportunities. It pertains to the inability of a person to handle tensions or conflicts. Whenever he or she feels some dissonance, surrendering might be the ultimate resort to maintain personal security. 
  • Dependency-A person's behavior which is defined by the hypervigilance of one's partner and an increasing succorance on the support responses of a loved one and an irrational fear that their relationship will end.
  • Broken Trust- Partners who have been abused, abandoned or betrayed in the past. Insecure people allow past experiences to rule over their future behavior. 

Feelings of insecurity is a result of genetics.


To make insecurities resolvable, here are some of the most effective reversal strategies. These are: Mattering, agency, spiritual connection, fallback networks, acceptability of one's own marketability, not letting the past to define your future and  a better understanding of the major difference between abandonment and disappearing among others. For their  detailed explanations, visit  this link.

Insecurities are dubbed as love's fiercest saboteurs.

To wrap up, insecurities become imperative if we are powerless and helpless. Although these are naturally germinating, your uniqueness will finally put an end to these human vulnerabilities soon.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Psychological Cores of Love Addiction

Humans have different types of addiction. Food, computer games, shoes and even love. Love addiction is one kind of obsession which happens when an individual values the person that he or she loves more than his or self. Oftentimes, it causes self-neglect in terms of caring for ourselves to stay connected with the object of our affection. Prior to this, what does addiction mean and is this a key towards personal growth or a deterrent to our entire being?  Psychologically speaking, the development or progression of addictions acts as a shield from unbearable pains and it constantly creates harmful or taken for  granted feelings. Most importantly, if somebody is an addict to love it is not only about romance or sex. The uncontrollable urge to love also pertains to children, famly, guru  or even to a famed celebrity whom you have not met yet.

Love addiction is not only about love and  sex.


Love addiction and its helpless victims have specific cores of fantasies like the belief that someone else can solve their problems, provision of  an  unconditional positive regard at all times and someone who will take care of them without reservations. However, if these needs are not gratified people will feel resentful and could spark a personal conflict in a relationship. These types of people have a declining self-care percentage when they are currently involved  in relationship. Love addicts manifest themselves because of abandonment histories during their younger days by primary caregivers. In like manner, they need validation by their families or from one parent alone. Consequently, irrational validations affect their self-esteem particularly in adult  life.

Love addiction is caused by a painful abandonment.


How will you recover from the bondage of  love addiction? Self-discovery is one of the best solutions. Among the steps to undertake are the following: Breaking the denial process and admit to himself or herself that she is under the spell of being an addict to love. Also, the person needs to explore his or her childhood experiences which could have triggered this psychological dilemma. Patients who are difficult to cure from this love's deadly poison have been commonly characterized as extremely committed to relationships with two or more persons at the same time.

Love addiction occurs when a person falls in love with two or more people.


Moreover, try to stop love addiction by observing your own behaviors. Write an inventory of your dysfunctional patterns of your current and past relationships. Be honest with your feelings and avoid blaming others. If you are not committed right now, try to be unattached for about six months. While writing a relationship inventory, look for common themes in your relationships. Next, do a self-evaluation before having a new relationship again. Assess how life would be if your self-responsibility will be utilized to a large extent. Always remember that the best kind of love is the one that will last forever. Acceptance of yourself and the one you love are your guides because these will be the keys to your personal happiness.